This album is VERY hard to listen to. I loved Night Visions and Smoke + Mirrors, was more mixed on Evolve and didn't like Origins. But at least all of them were easy on the ears. This album, however, has some of the worst production I've ever heard. Rick Rubin is to blame for that. The cringe-inducing and uncomfortable manner of the songs aren't in its brutally honest lyrics. It is in the bizarre sound mixing and amount of layers that do not mesh well with one another. Add in Dan Reynold's jarring singing styles with juxtaposed instrumentals and it is an unsalvageable disaster. To give some credit, Imagine Dragons seemed to be actually trying to make good music this time around. But this seems a product of around twenty different people forcing their visions on the songs all at once, and none of them were rejected. An absolutely incoherent and unlistenable cesspool of raw white noise. Masterclass of how to fail in music production.