Dynasty mode is pretty fun, but there are flaws everywhere. The receivers drop open balls about half the time, and even when they are wide open with a defender nowhere near them about half the time they will attempt to jump to catch the ball which increases the drop chance to about 75 percent. About 5 times per game on offense a defensive player or 2 will just be in the backfield on snap not even giving you time to see if anything is open. The running backs do not run the play but instead improvise running all over plus they do not follow blocks neither do the wide receivers once they catch the ball or have it on a sweep. The offensive line will some times not block someone on the defensive line just letting them tackle the running back. Road to Glory has these same issues plus no matter how much you are up you can always be beat. I have been up 28 points or more in the 4th quarter and my team will implode fumbles interceptions dropped passes and such as that. The play calling on RTG is absolute dog water. I have had the same play show up for all three plays when I want to change it way to often for it to be a coincidence. EA sports really thinks they are offensive coordinators because if they want you to run the ball no matter what you do timeouts or changing the play will help. The only way I have found to run plays somewhat like I want to is by going hurry up. The play calling is also repetitive in 3 years of RTG I have ran the same 25 plays every game. It is awful play choices that doom RTG for me. For me to consider buying this game next year there will have to be serious changes made otherwise I'll just play madden it's the same game with 100 less teams.