Need For Speed: Heat is a Cool arcade racing game, the car upgrade & customization system is great, car details are really good, although the map is lifeless and forgettable , it's like a ghost town, no crowd and no racers are found (while offline), story is mediocre, soundtracks are now three individual Playlists, day, night & garage, which makes it repetitive and boring after a while, but they're cool musics in there. The amount of cars are ≈120≈ which is good, but could've been more, what I hate the most is the weather system which is 90% of the time rainy & wet just to look shiny, daytime is cloudy most likely and it's boring, graphics are great but this game is not optimized for pc, it's cpu heavy despite that I'm using a 12th generation cpu, I just think that there are certain things that NFS PAYBACK does better than HEAT, there are so many things that needs to be discussed about it, but in a nutshell, Need For Speed: Heat is a great arcade game to go for. I like it as a Need For Speed fan.