Literally these reviews have to be fake. (SPOILERS) look for the 1 star reviews.
I had really high expectations for this movie and it was completely trash. There was unnecessary nudity and sexual attraction in the movie as well. I get that was probably to keep viewers but it didn’t really work.
It was poorly filmed and there were several mistakes, one for instance, when one of the girls was being chopped up in the very beginning, she was dead but her legs were still moving, kicking in the air. Just stupid. Movie made no sense and the cliffhanger was terrible. There was no backstory to how Pooh and piglet turned into that thing and why did they stopped speaking English? Pooh said like 3 words.
How did some random girl end up there and was being tortured?
Why was it just Pooh and piglet?
Why didn’t they just kill Chris if he was their original target?
Why kill off all the girls and only have Chris as a surviver?
Why have Pooh poor honey onto a girl just for piglet to eat it and some girl? Isn’t that Poohs thing?
How did Chris know where the girls were at the end?
Who was the random girl that they saved?
Just all together a stupid movie, and a waste of my time.