It is mind-boggling to see how out of touch with reality reviewers are nowadays… Do any of them even know what a good movie is? Have any of them ever studied film or know the meaning of art for that matter? Do they know the complexities of the human psyche or the detrimental impact toxic social trends are having on humanity as a collective? Are they aware of the current problematic status of this planet? Do they know what a metaphor or simile is? Who are these people commenting? It would be great if you all can share your film degrees and show us your credentials to prove why your opinion on this is worth noting. Right now it seems as though people are just spitting out senseless hate comments that are completely off base to the topic at hand which is the movie itself. And yes my friends.. this movie is a work of art. It has the courage to speak relevant painful truths that expose the weaknesses in our species all while showering us with a bouquet of colorful cinematic splendor; dancing on the edges of a magical fantasy… where it becomes possible to live in a world where everyone is happy.. a world in total peace.. like that in a childhood dream.