This disappointing sequel to the brilliant original, WW 1984 has a disjointed storyline that relies on the confusing behavior of an uncompelling villain (Pedro Pascal as Maxwell Lord) and goes dramatically downhill after a promising opening action sequence featuring a juvenile Diane. I was really surprised that Director Patty Jenkins would read this uninspired script who’s basis is a direct knock off of “The Monkey’s Paw” premise (Chris Pine’s character even admits as much in the movie to try and make it okay) believed she could make a movie that was anywhere near as compelling as her original Wonder Woman. Even for a comic book movie the pseudo science and psychological plot twists that drove the plot forward were too far fetched to be interesting (e.g. instead of personally touching Maxwell Lord to be subjected to his Monkey Paw powers he unilaterally decides that the world population just needs to hear him speak on a TV or computer screen...lazy and convenient!). Too bad they waisted Gal Gadot’s Woman Woman on this!