This movie is not at all great. It came out when I was only 7, enough for my kid brain to watch it. Looking back, it's so cringe. The characters are annoying (espically HI-5), the plot is basic, the jokes are ridiculous, and it's one of those movies that if you see it too many times you'll grow to despise it. The only thing I could appreciate is the cast, containing many actors I like. It seems that movie producers believe that kids are stupid and think that if they have something animated in front of them, they'll love it. Not at all true. The main thing I don't enjoy is HI-5. He's basically the secondary protagonist, but is not a good one. For most of the movie, he couldn't care less about anyone but himself. He is self-absorbed, prideful, and only cares about becoming a favorite. He only helped Gene for his own benefit. While he does change in the end, he's still annoying as hell. Overall, I give this 2/10 because there are definitely worse movies than this, but it's still not good.