Super pathetic. It's really pity to see the girls and their life, hefner was just opposite to the path of "Dharma". These people must read "Shrimad Bhagwat Geeta" for a true knowledge on "Dharma" and realise that their pity desires of lust is something to boast about!
The series just tries to justify each and every thought and actions of Hugh Hefner but fails to do so. One who is aware & awaken from the materialism can easily see that in the name of freedom of expression and so called "sexual liberation" tried to justify lust, disrespect for other gender humans.
LOL! The series shows how proud whole playboy team is that Hefner just brought out the worst out of Americans... [According to the series] as people prior to start of playboy were protective and conservative about sex and hold some values, the playboy team accepts this fact!
Is lust, jealousness gambling justified in the name of freedom of expression? and freedom to do whatever business you like to?
It's Lust, Jealousness, Gambling because of which "The great Mahabharat" war happened!
That's the difference between vedic culture and so called modern culture, where everything and anything is justified.
- A human without the knowledge of "Dharma" is just an animal trying to do satisfy his selfish needs and taking the whole human race to a great sinful disastrous life.
- That's the life of Hugh Hefner, he just brought out the worst devil out from the Americans.
- A Yogi or (a saint, sadhu), would bring out the best out from human beings and evolve to a higher self of living....
- That's the difference between a saint and a disastrous devil thought human who is just randomly doing anything and everything to satisfy his needs and desire.
- What Hugh hefner did was opposite of dharma.
- A saint talks about liberation from the unreal to the real, hefner talked about sexual liberation, to justify his lust for every girl he saw.
Why doesn't the playboy team make movies and series on all the afterlife of all the playmates who left the playboy mansion or what they think after 10 years of their life??? that would be great to see and people could see how ugly and messy these girls life get in contrast to their beautiful face when they used to be teenagers (similar to porn industry)...These people truly need the true knowledge and enlightenment, so that they could be aware of what they are thinking and doing and also what effect it's creating in society and coming generations...