Maybe my opinion will change over time. Right now, there are some things that I really enjoy and others that I really don't. The introduction of the overworld seemed like a neat idea. I enjoyed overworld back in the golden Era of ttrpgs. But this one really breaks immersion. In this one, I feel like I'm just traveling from encounter to encounter rather than playing one cohesive story. I'm thoroughly enjoying my spellshot character and the introduction of spells to the game, but the weapons seem to have taken a step backwards from Bl3. They don't feel nearly as impactful or varied. While I enjoy the writing for the individual characters, the story so far is pretty weak. Maybe it is just because I'm still early in the game (level 20), but there is a severe overuse of character models for the fantasy setting it is trying to establish. I enjoy that there are more kinds of equipment to build from in the game (I haven't even unlocked all the slots yet), but the interface for handling inventory is absolutely awful. Every other game in the series has been perfectly fine, but this one is super broken and drags inventory management to a crawl. I hope it gets a hot fix soon too give the functionality of prior games. I enjoy the customization options in the game and hope they continue to expand on these options. Maybe I just haven't discovered it yet, but they really need to add the option to change armor to the quick change machine, rather than just changing patterns and colors. The game as a whole has one thing I hate or want to see improved for every one thing I like. At least it isn't super buggy like bl3 was at launch.