I thoroughly enjoyed this game, it's fun to play, and brings a lot of what made the other entries in the series so fun. The switch from top down to 3d has brought quite a few new problems however. The loading is slow, the graphics and animations are poorly polished and often clunky, and the cutscenes often lack the character's mouths moving with their dialogue. The main plot of the game is also extremely poorly written. Spoiler, it relies extensively on a character that, while having little to do with the story, turns out to be a god. Literally 3 deus ex machina are required so the plot can happen. The villain is given precious little screen time, and we're given no reason to like him, but the game decides that he's super sympathetic, I wasn't convinced at all. Basically if you love the series you'll love this game, if you haven't played it before, start with 4, it's much better.