I took all the bad reviews I read before watching myself with a pinch of salt. Sadly She-Hulk really is completely pathetic. There is no story line. There is nothing of interest. The CGI, acting and dialogue is worse than B grade. Its just a non stop endless procession of men getting put down in every way possible, and displaying Walters like she is a flawless perfect human. She is an arrogant, self righteous, know it all. There is not a single thing remotely funny in the entire show. Are the female writers behind this garbage really so shallow that the only way they can identify themselves / form an identity of their life is by putting men down (non stop and in the most ridiculous ways)? Surely a writer's priority is to deliver a good story? There is nothing super hero, fantasy or story like in this. It is just 30 minutes of non stop real world divisive politics. People used to love Marvel for being a break away from reality with adventurous fun stories, but now it is nothing more than an amplification studio for real world problems and politics. Gosh, how boring and unoriginal can you get!