"Leave the World Behind" is a film that masterfully intertwines entertainment with a profound commentary on our societal priorities. This film brilliantly juxtaposes our fascination with fictional narratives against a backdrop of real-world crises, highlighting a stark contrast in our collective focus. Particularly striking is the ending of the film, and the young girl, amidst chaos, fixated on finally seeing the series finale of 'Friends,' poignantly encapsulating this theme.
As I reflect on recent events – a devastating tornado in Tennessee, a woman's struggle in Texas to have bodily autonomy, the ongoing war in Ukraine – I find myself drawn back to this film's central theme. This realization struck me as I sat down to write this review, not about the pressing issues of our day, but about a Netflix movie, underscoring the film's message.
In essence, 'Leave the World Behind' is not just a film; it's a mirror held up to our society, challenging us to confront our priorities, our overuse and dependence on technology, and our humanity as a whole. Its ability to do so while remaining engaging is what makes it truly outstanding.