Boring and senseless! The next time the Lord comes, no one will doubt it is God! Everyone will see Him at the same time and know. He will come on a cloud of glory, the same way He left. The 2nd time, He is not coming as savior, He already did that. The next time is a day of reckoning. Plus that line, "God wants flood", is such a great lie. He promised He would never flood the earth again. He never reneges on His word, He is not a man that He should lie. The nessiah has come, and He was not just a messenger, He was God the Son. He came and gave so much love. Where is the love in this movie? I throw this in the useless, waste-of-time bin with Exodus, gods and kings. If you are ignorant of real life events, don't tell a story on that premise, please?