I really enjoyed the game even with a few minor bugs and glitches here there that can be overlooked up until the end when I had completed all the quests before the elder brain fight only to find the Orphic hammer missing from my travellers chest.
This is a bug that has been going on for sometime now that needs addressing by Larian but they have ignored it. I’ve read all the forums regarding the Orphic hammer bug and I’ve checked the house of hope all vendors and the entirety of baldurs gate and lower city. I’ve also checked previous save points only to find I’ll have to back track hours of gaming which I’m not prepared to do.
This by far is the biggest bug I’ve encountered in any game I’ve played in the past 30+ years of gaming. It’s such a crucial item for end game content that’s critical for a certain ending to not be prioritised by Larian.
Also I have to say how much the game itself costs without a physical copy is another factor in my low rating review. $120 for a game with no physical copy and a list of glitches and bugs with game play.
This game is similar to big Hollywood movies. Has all the makings of classic but fails to deliver in the end.