it's perfect . OMG this highly-anticipated drama of the year really exceeds beyond my expectations. The first 2 episodes were damn exciting and thrilling and the chemistry between PHS and HHJ is sooo good! PHS is such a magnetic charm after being back in the small screen after so long; it feels like he has come out of the vitamin factory seriously, he looks sooo fine, handsome and charismatic! I love the way he looks in this drama; it totally suits Jung Yi Hyun's character. There is a lot of suspense, thrill, action, fantasy, character development in the story. Refreshing story, a whole new genre at a different level - the story has been close to our hearts having gone through the tough Covid-19 pandemic for over a year; how the government and pharmaceutical companies are dealing with it; how people of various classes face discrimination and life changes in the midst of survival. I can expect this to be the best psychologically thrilling drama that has been released to date. I can't wait to see how the story unfolds! I am so happy to spend my November and December with Happiness. Happiness Fighting!!
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