Show's idea is great and we really enjoyed watching the builds. But FOX seriously don't be so obvious that you fixed the show and had already chosen who you want to win regardless of what they build. Within the first few episodes the brickmasters called the team that won "Masters of the Brick" and I told my husband watch they're going to have them win. Yes, they were good builders but no one is going to stand there at Legoland and stare at their build or pay to see their build. We all know Mark and Boone were the ones to win. It would take someone 20 mins or more just to notice all the details that were put in their build and you'd feel excited discovering each one. Plus it literally invited the viewer to participate in the build. Secondly Sam and Jessica created a piece of art which people do pay to go see in museums so they would make sense for 2nd place. The winner's should have been in last place. Again if you're gonna rig it then maybe consider sabotaging the other contestants that might beat your "winners" because they were clearly out beat. So congratulations FOX and Lego Masters, due to your bias ways you just lost viewers.