Dynamic, vivid, hilarious, dark, and emotional where it needs to be.
The perfect balance of comedy, drama, and suspense.
Not to mention the beautiful and clever camera work. Sometimes I was laughing just at the way a scene was shot, for all the best reasons of course. Bill Hader is a multi talented, very special entertainer. The soundtrack is fantastic, in fact some of the songs used have been added to my daily playlist.
It captures some complex and deep emotions, but never leaves you sad or angry for long, always coming in with a perfectly timed, tasteful joke to brighten the mood again.
Even the title sequence is used expertly as a joke in some episodes.
I finished the show in less than a week, and I’m all set to rewatch it right away with my partner. Can’t wait to see his reactions!
I cannot say it doesn’t have it flaws though. There were one or two episodes where the plot felt a little bare, but I feel that the twists and turns made up for that. There were one or two characters I felt needed some extra depth. But other than that it’s 5 stars and I cannot think of any type of person who wouldn’t find something for themselves in this show.
I absolutely love the side characters. The show has a great mix of subtle and potent humour. I am not a fan of action as a genre, and this show includes some pretty intense and focal fight scenes, but I found that they were my favourite parts! They were expertly and artistically portrayed, hilarious as well as keeping you on your toes.
It’s the kind of show where you wish there was a whole other show made just for certain characters, even ones who only appear for one episode. So much potential lore and back story for many plot points and characters.
If you want a show to binge, that won’t take a year to finish, is hard to look away from, and will be sure to serve as all round perfect entertainment for your friends and family too, this is the one. It’s dark, but not too dark. It’s got some fantastic physical comedy, but I wouldn’t call any of it “slapstick”. It doesn’t make the viewer feel unintelligent either. Quality TV right here, it has earned it 5 star rating for sure. Enjoy!