An absolute masterpiece of a game considering when it was made..this game has some of THE BEST graphics, animations, and physics still to the date of this comment. The story is immersive, grabs attention, and is very well written. It is a shorter game length wise but who cares? I've payed $60 for games 3 times as long that don't even COMPARE to this. The game only needed more animations, enemy types, and perhaps a different style such as free roam/large map.
I honestly believe if these devs had more minds and ideas at the table that this game or game style could take over the single player genre for years to come.
It's on Steam for 4 dollars and if you don't buy it after knowing that then you are an absolute FOOL. Normally it's $10 but I wouldn't mind paying $40-60 just for how INCREDIBLE it is on PC.