I watch the show to make fun of it. It's so bad it's funny.
It's a shame the acting and scripting is so bad. The story could have so much potential.
I could predict a lot. The characters are bland and uninteresting. Very cliche, and to be quite frank it feels like an author of Wattpad all the sudden had a budget to make a show! (Spoilers) Like "Oh man, we're gonna vote off the pretty main character and the police woman! Wait!! They (Lucas & Marybeth) got trapped under the rocks oh no!! Oh my goodness, Eve was able to move a few rocks that's so heroic! I guess we'll let them back into the camp lol." Like... For real what was the point. All she did was say I'm gonna help you and move some rocks. Yes they got them out, but the way they were able to wasn't her idea. Other people helped them too and they weren't really awarded with anything.
Eve just tags along with people that are actually doing the work. I really don't see her purpose as a character besides being a protagonist. Honestly I wouldn't care if some random character swapped protagonist spots with her. It's a different story for other shows. You get to know them and grow to care about the personality and the motives. I don't care about Eve and that's sad.
I could write so much more on this, but I think you get the point.
Overall feels more like a comedy gone wrong then a serious show..
Edit: The finale was just.. Something else.