The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho is one of the best books I had's an amazing story which inspires us, mainly the youth to achieve our dreams and work hard to reach our destiny,doing so the whole universe conspires for its happening.The story is very enchanting and bursts with optimism which I think is very important in our lives .The book shows that the journey to your destiny is as important as the destiny itself.
An allegorical novel The Alchemist follows a young shepherd boy,Santiago in his journey towards the pyramid in Egypt,after having a recurring dream of finding a treasure there.He follows his dream until the end even if he faced a lot of difficulties and sufferings.The story also tells about true love,true love will not stop nor must one sacrifice to it ones personal destiny,since to do so robs it of truth.
At the end Santiago found that the treasure he sought all along was in the ruined church where he had his orginal dream.It also tells us about the soul of nature and introduces the idea about true legand.