The only reason I’m making a one star review is to point out some stuff that stuck out to me throughout the entire movie
-the group of guys in makeup in the beginning of the film wasn’t really important to the storyline. Although, I’m glad it was in the movie because the group on the train scene is very similar to the murder of the drunk men scene from Joker (2019)
-why does it look like the guy who robbed the convenience store at the beginning of the film is wearing a watermelon on his head? It’s strange, but not the strangest thing in Gotham. The criminals mask would make a great look for a horror movie killer, we may even see it again in the next movie
-the scene that’s bothering so many people. How did Batman’s suit protect Wayne from so many bullets then suddenly fail after one guy shoots him with one shot? Would’ve like to learn more about the suit
-Gotham probably wouldn’t have flooded as fast as it did in the movie unless the flooding was caused by a tsunami and probably not a collapsing sea wall
-this scene will always drive me up the wall, probably through the roof. Why in the hell did Alfred open the box like it wasn’t very obvious that the handwriting on the note was that of the riddler, definitely a bomb in the box. Alfred probably saw the riddlers handwriting through Batman’s contact lenses and/or police evidence by the time the bomb in Wayne manor explodes.
And the way he tried to get rid of the box…
He just tossed it like it was a bean bag in a game of cornhole…
-why is Gotham still holding the mayors elections and victory speech when city officials are being targeted throughout the city?
-where is the federal government besides the FBI doing absolutely nothing and the national guard failing to reach Gotham in less than 12 hours after the city floods
-I could go on but I’ll mention one last thing
-Batman and the riddler both assaulted people and destroyed the city through their actions all because they don’t have parents. I said what I said