This show’s upsides: a strong heroine; an appreciative, dreamy hero; an adorable OTP with unreal levels of Cute and several very feel-good earwormy OST tracks.
Watching this drama is what I would imagine it would be like, to start to date a really cute guy who consistently makes your heart flutter with his sweet romantic gestures.
•I love Park Bo Young, period. She is tiny and adorable and, I think, should be made the official ambassador of aegyo.
•Park Hyung Shik is perfectly cast as Min Hyuk, in my opinion.
•The hook for me, in watching this show, is seeing Min Hyuk fall for Bong Soon and go all googly-eyed over her, and even though Show is a little patchy on other points
Park Hyung Shik and Park Bo Young make possibly the most adorable pair of lovebirds, ever. The two share a chemistry that feels warm, organic and crackly, and just so real.
Just watch it once and you really love the characters....❤✨