The subject matter was so enticing! Here was supposed to be a narrative journey into this mysterious entity we call the subconscious mind that seems to possess much superior judgmental skills and cognitive abilities; yet ironically by its very nature, the normal logical scientific constructs created from our conscious mind cannot figure out exactly how the subconscious makes those " snap judgements" .
While I did not expect the book to explain to me HOW and WHY the subconscious works as it does, I would have liked for it to at least explain or suggest practiced that I could inculcate in order to make it work more often in my favor in my daily life dealings. Instead, the book just meanders on and on through random anecdotes and psychology experiments without any narrative cohesion in between them. I am as in dark about the subconscious by chapter 3 as I was in chapter 1.
This book was published in 2005 and not renewed since. It would be interesting to have an updated version where the author prunes away those excessive anecdotes and tries to incorporate more actual practices substantiated by research that shows how we can better hone in our subconscious in our daily life.