I read the book by Nick Hornsby first and then found the series streaming on PBS. I really liked how the tv show tweaked the book in a few positive ways. I like that Marjory remained as a friend to Barbara and that she became involved with the early feminist movement. I liked that a few things were at least touched upon with racism and sexism of the time. I was glad when Clive (that stinker!) abruptly left for Hollywood. There were a few loose ends with Barbara’s mother’s appearance and with Diane quitting her job. What happened with them? Junie, the tv writer’s wife, never made an appearance, and I was interested in her from the book. I loved the 60’s music and fashions and the scenes of 60’s London and Blackpool. I liked Dennis’ character. I liked the end. It doesn’t need to have a second season. It was complete enough. It was satisfying and kept my interest.