Extremely slow, yet then has constant time jumps that aren’t played out well or explained. One of the things that made the original trilogy so good was the Fellowship traveling through vast lands and giving you an idea of time and scale.
The dialogue is also not great. Everyone constantly seems in conflict, and Galadriel worst of all. For a main character we should be drawn in and on her side, and she’s constantly just in a moody teenager attitude and just so unlikable. Nothing like the Galadriel we know. I think they’ll play it off as “she’s maturing into a more calm and regal figure” but she’s well over a thousand at this point. Elf or not a thousand years is a long time.
This show was clearly made by people who either never read the source material or have no respect for it. When a company purchases a franchise like this it’s a profit move, and if they had respected Tolkien and the fans that come along with the franchise they’d be raking in the praise for the next couple decades.