You will love it whether you are a fan of the games or not!
It has got to be the most high quality set, props, make up, character acting, stage and sound design, etc that ive seen from a show as of late. The fact they were able to translate the concept of a videogame into a TV show while also keeping its own personal identity is amazing
Its bloody and violent but also keeps that fun/silly fallout identity with a good mixture of the dark politics in the fallout world.
You can tell it's truly made by people with a love of what they are working on and the source material
Ignore any 1 start reviews from claims it has no "realism" to a nuclear war. They have clearly have never played a fallout game. Fallout has NEVER had any realism towards a real-world nuclear fallout, it has ghouls and two headed bears and robot servants and use bottle caps for money , all wrapped in a 1950's aesthetic.
If you want a truly real world nuclear fallout, watch "Threads" at your own risk, but don't blame fallout for not being that.