The only way this movie can pull off a 3 stars score from me, it’s because of Raimi’s direction, which I really enjoyed.. otherwise it’s full with inconsistent and lame writing.
Everything went accordingly and conveniently to “Develop” the movie. With stupid and short answers: Why are you doing this.
- Because of the children..
And that’s that.. I mean, there’s thousands of universes, right? Maybe in some of these, the children are orphans.
And why do the children exists when Vision is dead.. can he have them? Or who is the father?
- “Sending monsters are my way to be reasonable.. “
oh well.. thanks a lot. Pretty sure she could’ve find her path by talking to the girl, someone who is actually evil, knows of manipulation.. and wait.. thought that Wanda could go a bit further than that (Not to say “ridiculously further”). And speaking of her (America Chavez). Why on earth is she so dislikable and so teenager like.. Maybe the answers it’s that because she is. Alright then, let’s put some context on the table that makes people mature and be more wise.. maybe Sad and Traumatic events where she had to find her way out by forced experience and a lot of thought.
And well, the lil and cringy messages on her costume that God knows why she had them..
So yeah.. and a lots of more questions and things that I didn’t like. And there it goes my opinion and 3 stars.
Ps: Hopefully they won’t nerf Strange next time.