Starts out very strong, very gripping, very realistic, very suspenseful.... however these qualities that initially serve to excite and ensnare the audience ultimately become amplifying factors that enhance the disappointment and irritation that are certainly unavoidable to feel if one watches the films entirety with the expectations the first half creates. It is evident that either deadlines or budget were poorly managed. If deadlines were the culprit responsible for the night and day contrast between the start and finish of this film then the second half's lazy writing and its excessive use of implausible plot points to force conflicts and solutions that these characters showed personality and capacity to avoid entirely through their introductory dialog, exposition, and actions... is absolutely, undeniably, inexcusably unjustifiable and detestable. Because even if a deadline became an issue that left the original vision out of reach, a vision that remained superior to what I am fully confident my 12 year old cousin could outclass would be expected. May seem crazy to expect but since people were paid large sums of money for this films creation, expecting at least a better ending than what a preteen who doesn't even enjoy writing could produce is simply a standard I cannot make myself feign a lack of. Long story short before I get on another soap box regarding the many other aspects of this film that just bother me more deeply than they should.... this movie is butt. It is absolute buns. Had me bragging and telling friends they had to watch it in the first 45 minutes, then made me retract my recommendations and apologize to any who trusted my word and reflexively began wasting moments of their life they'd never get back as punishment for their faith in me. I thumb my nose at this movie and I hope the writer and director both sprain their ankles today.