After having read the books and waited for the next one to come out each year so I could finish the series there are a lot of differences in this series to the books. Die hard book fans are giving this a 1 star review which I understand but then there had never been any film/TV series that was true to the books.
Having said that I am enjoying the series. It is speeding through chapters at a hectic rate but there are 13 books and with the best will in the world I don't think there will be 13 series so it needs to hit hard and fast to get some of the storyline out.
We are on episode 4 and I think the series is very enjoyable, the characters are developing nicely and the whole look and feel are good. The settings work, the CGI is good and some of the scenes have looked amazing. Hopefully it will be renewed for a few more series.
Ignore all the one star reviews they are the diehard book fans that would rather kill the series than watch it for our enjoyment. If it didn't get renewed we can always blame them. Just remember Game of Thrones wasn't true to the books either!!