Good Omens is the perfect combination of Heaven and Hell. The leading characters, Aziraphale and Crowley, have the unique ability to make the audience both convinced they have to either already be dating or will be soon while also tearing the watcher apart with either something so sweet or something so bittersweet that it causes physical pain. I watched season 2 in one night and sat staring at the credits through tears for at least an hour before I decided to try and sleep it off.
This show captures the emotions of every character brilliantly while also keeping up a strong plot. I have to admit, however, that season 2 felt to me, as I'm sure it did to many others, as really only the beginning of the end for this show. It leaves the audience with burning questions, sometimes this is a satisfying end to a show, but for this particular series, with all the investment I and thousands, nay millions, of others have on the relationship of characters, the questions leave an unpleasant taste in your mouth, one I have yet to rid myself of. I wouldn't dare attempt to claim that season 2 is inferior to season 1, merely that season 2 is a gateway into a further plot while season 1 could've been a story in and of itself, a fact that leads many season 2 critics to believe that, through their rage and sadness, season 2 pails in comparison to season 1.
As a final note, I would like to mention that the cast has exceptional chemistry even off-screen, something that no doubt aids their appearances on-screen when trying to convey a friendly and comfortable relationship with another character. Neil Gaiman, please make a season 3 to this masterpiece. You wouldn't only paint half of a picture for "the suspense" and this show is the mona lisa.