Metalheads hate it. Musicheads Love it.
I think people will love the songs more if they listen to them minding the 3 dimensions of: Music, Concept, and Lyrics
Love how they are heavily circling around Absurdism and Existentialism. Here are my short overview for each song. These can still be expounded upon as the lyrics have multiple layers to them :
1. Game Over - Meaninglessness of Life
2. Mattel - Reference to the Truman Show. Simulation/Illusion but in reality everything is predefined. Much like a continuation to The Stage album concept
3. Nobody - Realization that we are "one with the universe" and a "nobody" in the grand scheme of things
4. We Love You - Most say it's about capitalism. But I interpret the song as representation of human ego and the illusion of choice. Thinking about it, Capitalists only 'capitalizes' over human ego and greed to 'manufacture a need' (more more build build...we love're on in a million). Without these 2 human qualities they are nothing. Problem is, we cannot separate these 2 qualities to our humanity. Thus, in the end, we consume what they provide regardless.
5. Cosmic - Cycle of Life and Death. The idea that we are all made up of the same cosmic energy - we do not go away. We just take up a new form or has been in a different form in our past lives. Written in beautiful love song
6. Beautiful Morning - A character who faces an inner struggle and attempt to find meaning. This character they are trying to portray in this song is everyone's worst day of their life.
7. Easier - The same character who wants to Surrender. Suggesting to take the 'easy way out' (suicide). Uplifting music but sinister meaning between the lines. I interpret the random 'pew pew pew' sounds at the solo that the character has thoughts about taking that gun to the head. Again another cute sci-fi gun sound a contrast to it's meaning.
8. G - Referencing the story of Creation. And an irritated God is contemplating to just wants to delete what he made and restart.
9. Ordinary - Other songs talk about suicide, emptiness, meaninglessness, hopelessness, etc of human life. This song is an attempt to say that "you got a problem with life? I don't even have one and I desperately want it. you must be lucky to live" from an AI (thus the electronic vibe). This song is perfectly placed in the sequence of the album because right after it, the human in the next song commits suicide nonetheless without regard.
10. Death - Continuation of 'Beautiful Morning' and 'Easier'. The same character from those songs in the end commits suicide
11. LIBAD - Closing the curtains
Everything is done with intent. It's chaotically beautiful