The show is pretty awesome, the CGI is great, sets and props are awesome, and the story made compromises, but they worked alright. I knew going into this that the child actors were going to be meh, but I feel they'd get better over time. And the Omashu episodes were kinda rough, but fun nonetheless. There definitely needed to be more episodes, some of the arcs were brief and brushed over, at some points it felt like checking boxes for plot points. But Netflix probably wantsd a smaller season incase of a flop, so it was bound to happen. In the end, I enjoyed it.
As a note for people reading reviews before watching; stop reading and watch the show to draw your own conclusions. You will see a bunch of trash reviews picking on small and insignificant details and leaving bad reviews bc its not the Cartoon. Though they are right, it's not the Cartoon, it's not nearly as bad as some people are making it out to be.