Scary as Hell…this was made 32 years ago when, for the most part, there was sanity in the US government & its military. There was bipartisanship at that time.
Now we are in chaos everywhere…”a house divided cannot stand.” The confusion & lack of communication in this movie does not even come near what would it would be like now if something like this were to happen.
This country, NATO & the rest of the free world
will not stand a chance if anything like this happens in the near future.
We have done it to ourselves through greed, hatred & pettiness. We’ve run out of time, mercy
& compassion for our fellow man.
This movie although peppered with several obvious mistakes, the acting was superb & definitely got the point across.
Frankly I recommend this motion picture be shone at least once a every day on every TV station in the Untied States of America.
God bless America!