The movie is solely made to spread hatred against "Muslim community and Islam" among people, and there is no genuine evidence to support the story of this movie. Despite that, such a controversial movie that deals with sensitive subjects such as religion and community was released potentially provoking hatred and false allegations. Actress "Adah Sharma" posted a photo of the movie on her Twitter account with a hashtag "#true_story" but there are some points(report) which indicate that the story of this movie is not "true."
INDIA TODAY report:---
Over 2500 women converted to Islam in Kerala since 2006, says Oommen Chandy
However Chandy said that there was no evidence for forced conversions in the state and the fears about love
jihad were baseless. "We will not allow forcible conversions. Nor will we allow to spread hate campaign against Muslims in the name of love jihad" said Chandy in response to Lathika's demand for inquiry into forcible conversions.
Islam no where promotes these all things which were shown in the movie as our religion.
1) FILM - Muslim having and giving drugs/Alcohol to non Muslims
ISLAM - "Every intoxicant is Haram" (ref: sahihmuslim 2003)
2) FILM-Muslim Having sex without marriage and making women pregnant
ISLAM - "And come not near to unlawful sexual intercourse." (Ref:Quran-17:32)
3) FILM - Muslim filming nude during sex for her girl friend (who later made suicide as that muslim made the videos public on different sites)
ISLAM - "Men lower their gaze and protect their private parts (from illegal sexual acts)" (Ref:Quran -24:30)
4) FILM - One of Muslim friends saying that eating food without making dua is a sin and will enter hell fire... (Seriously ask any islamic scholars of any fiqh you won't find that eating without dua is a sin, rather it's recommended to show gratitude to creator)
ISLAM - Eating with dua is a etiquette (Sunnah) and leaving it is not a sin!
5) Film-Slaughtering goat by beheading to show how cruel Muslims kill animals! (Which Muslim beheaded goats from top?)
ISLAM - "Forbidden to you is animals killed by strangling or by a violent blow" (Ref : Quran - 5:3)
6) Film-If you are a revert Muslim you should spit or stone your Non-Muslim parents!
ISLAM - "Accompany them(Non-Muslim parents) in this world with appropriate kindness" (Ref : Quran - 31:15)
7) FILM -Muslim marrying a pregnant women & having intemacy
ISLAM - It's not permissible to marry a pregnant women and intercourse isn't permissible unless the birth is given (Ref: Al-Hidayah Sharh vol.3 ,page 21)
8) FILM -Saying ISIS is to accomplish the mission of Aurangzeb Alamgir
ISLAM - Alamgir was a Muslim ruler not a millitant.
9) FILM- Cutting hands of women who put lipstick.
ISLAM - It's permissible to have lipstick unless made with impure materials(Darul ifta)
10) FILM -Muslim saying bad about hindu Gods
ISLAM - "Insult not those whom they worship besides Allah" (Ref : Quran - 6:108)
11) FILM -Women Keeping mobile is a sin in Islam and should be killed if found with mobile!
ISLAM - Mobile (technology) is a madaniyahh (material progress) and is permissible!
12)FILM - Represeting Reverts as joining ISIS
ISLAM - There's no proof for the statistics they shown it's completely false agenda!