First, nothing will ever beat the video game series. Movies cannot tell the story like a video game can, never has and never will. The closest you can get is maybe a TV series but those are usually botched.
That being said this was a fun movie with a lot of intrigue and suspense. It was always moving forward and didn't get stuck in the story for too long so it was very entertaining and that's what a movie should be. My wife who usually falls asleep in theaters (she fell asleep watching the new Spiderman), did not fall asleep and enjoyed the movie immensely. Now she is curious about the video game. I told her I would play it again =D suspect she will take the controller haha.
Anyways if you want to enjoy a movie filled with fun and moving forward entertainment you should seriously consider watching this. Uncharted fans...nothing will ever beat our expectations. It's a good movie but dial down your expectations from the video game and you'll enjoy it rather than nonstop critique it and be like that isn't how it's supposed to be mentality.