Fun game held back by bugs, frame rate stutters, bad graphics. Absolutely unacceptable, unfinished game.
Xenoblade 3 looks and runs great on the switch. Gamefreak is the problem, not the hardware. Looks like a wasteland.
The new terastalize gimmick is bland and forgettable, and doesn't feel special. Just bring back the only gimmick fans actually like: mega evolution. Much more interesting lore surrounding it too. We only ever see it now in your mobile games where balance doesn't matter.
Imagine how exciting it would be to mega evolve again. Great way to revitalise underused Pokémon.
For PvP just exclude or nerf certain megas like rayquaza.
Pokémon is the highest grossing media franchise in global history. How is this acceptable?
You need to add voice acting (why do you even bother animating lip movement, incredibly awkward); significantly improve graphics and animations; balance megas and add them back in; and actually finish the product for release.
I'm giving this a one star review as it could be so much better, if Gamefreak actually cared about their fans. It's fun despite the bugs. If they just released a finished product it would be one of the best Pokémon games.