I was already a fan of Harry and Meghan. I especially loved the description of his love for Diana in the opening of the book A description of a star in the middle of the galaxies which has probably been there since the beginning of stars. That star has been named and studied. Harry said that his mother was like that star. How cool a description is that? I think Harry might have been aided by his ghost writer in describing that, but I am awed at what a smart person Harry actually is.
Stupid people have tried to describe him as a poor student. I said that because I had stupid teachers who made me look stupid if I didn't want to study their stupid stuff, and nobody in those days thought to place me in the right classes for me because such classes didn't exist in those days.. However, getting back to Harry, the British military put him in some very high tech positions. However, his reason for getting out had nothing to do with any failure on the part of Harry. It had everything to do with the misfits in the news media who would be overpaid at anything anybody ever thought of giving them to do. Don't pay for their misfit stuff. If something looks ridiculously overly sensational, it probably is. Don't give them any money for that.
I learned a lot about the royal family. I have yet to read the inserts from people who don't like the book, but I will. Do you think these people who gave it a 1 star are from the paparazzi? Of course they would not like the book, or it is from illiterate people who don't read anything and haven't read this either. Don't pay them any mind.
I am glad that Harry has income now from being a world famous author and now can pay for three body guards if he wants to. He also now has enough money to fight back if he needs to in a court of law.
Go Harry! You rock!