I have just finished watching the show so I decided to see what other people thought of it and was very shocked to see the liked to disliked ratio, so I decided to give you my thoughts on what other people were saying.
To begin my review, I just want to explain the show, Zombieverse, is a semi-scripted TV-show where a zombie apocalypse happens. The cast(excluding side characters)' reactions and actions are real although there appears to be some scripted rules and scripted destinations
“The dialogue – it's like they let a group of middle-schoolers write the script during recess.”
It’s not scripted, so there are bound to be some parts that sound like middle-schoolers.
“Considering it a zombie apocalypse there sure is a lot of laughing and nobody appears to be afraid” So you're telling me you wouldn’t try and find some joy in a bad situation?
“Then that older guy that never shut up kept saying he was scared but kept laughing the whole time”
If he was scared and started laughing he probably has a nervous laugh. It takes a quick Google search to find out what a nervous laugh is.
“Guess what, they screamed, talked, argued for the whole time, what a nonsense.”
If you're put in a group with random people, you are gonna have to talk and as for arguments, there is bound to be some conflict. Not everyone is going to agree and the screaming is probably because they're scared.
“They repeat the scene 3-4x on tht part” or “They replay clips over and over '' It’s very common in Korean tv shows for there to be multiple shots of one scene.
And if you're like this person “I was waiting for this show for so long, thinking it was going to be similiar to "all of us are dead", but turned out to be a massive disappointment.” You are just setting yourself up for disappointment in terms of it being like all of us are dead.
Anyway, if you’ve watched the trailer and you like the look of it give it a shot and if it is not what you’re looking for, don’t watch it.