This film is LUCKY I even gave it a star.(I had to so I could do this). There are so many things wrong with this movie that I can describe.
First off and most importantly, the portrayal of rock music and rock fans is wrong on SO many levels. If you like rock you want to destroy all music? How does THAT work?
Secondly, the film is full of weird mashups that make you no longer interested in the original. For me, it’s not really a journey and it’s an excuse for songs and jokes.
Thirdly, Poppy is a downright colonist and Dreamworks justifies her. She acts like a spoilt child who doesn’t accept how things are and it can make ANY Trolls 1 fan DESPISE Poppy.
Fourthly, when I saw the plot I actually thought it could be better than the original movie but it was wasted and executed horribly by the things they said and did in the movie.
I would like to say I don’t want to rip off the actors and their hard work and I liked the plot twist that Pop ruined everything.
But the adult humour and storyline deflects the target audience and the bit when a MALE has a BABY (and the rude line at the end) is unexplainable to little kids.
Seriously, get the Emoji Movie rather than THIS(and THATS a horrid movie) don’t waste money