Whilst this being a massive binge over a day, I feel like this could have had so much more potential. It's extremely stereotypical and even the news is more dynamic and more cliffhanging than this. The characters are very 2d and I feel like everything is all about Emily- the fact that she cheats on everyone and she can get away with everything and that she goes France without learning at least a tiny bit of french. I know the audience is inclined towards Emily but look at Camille, the nicest person ever but Emily goes behind her back and then expects everyone to like her? The outfits were atrocious- you'd think she'd have a better taste if shes in France and she could never afford it if she was that rich would she be living in a one-roomed flat? I mean, its an easy watch, but its a little flat. On top of that, she has NO boundaries with her social media, shes just rude and nosy. I feel like this is definitely not a 12 as well, maybe a 15. Many people wouldn't notice these things as they're the average viewer but it's a little too monotone for me- there's nothing to root for her with- she solves it all within 10 minutes. I loved the casting, I think everyone was gorgeous and perfect. Finally, I love Gabriel and everything but I don't see why they all have to be white, caucasion and on top of that she's sleeping with men way older than her, probably the same age as her dad? Anyway, that's just my opinion. Its extremely predictable but Its a typical teen programme that I binge and hell was it not worth it.