Not gonna lie, it's an intense watch.
I'm generally pretty squeamish and hence steer clear of horror, thrillers, etc.
But Barry really is worth the watch.
I decided to watch it cause it had a funny/strange premise and I'm a fan of Bill Hader from his SNL days. I don't know what I was expecting, but it wasn't this.
It's a serious, poignant watch, elevated by brief moments of levity every now and then.
But the humour is intelligent and subtle. Barry is an interesting character. He plays this endearingly awkward shy guy, until he isn't. The show makes you care for the character, but over time, as the overall tone becomes darker, you find yourself in conflict with your own emotions, finding yourself care for a deeply disturbing individual. At one point I had to stop watching, horrified at how I was trying to rationalise or explain away the more disturbing acts, even to myself. It took me a while to get back to it, but I finished both seasons and I'm glad I did. It really gives the viewers new perspective. We find it quite easy to judge the criminals we read about in the news, once with no real connection/relation to us. But can we be equally detached and logical if those criminals were our friends? Our loved ones?
If you were like me and firmly believed in justice regardless of who it's directed at, this show will shake you.