It's unfortunate that this game has deliberately forced reviewers to directly comare it to Dark Souls, because Dark Souls is an untouchable masterpiece. That aside, this game absolutely does NOT deserve the harsh criticism it seems to be gathering across the web. Please consider looking more closely at player reviews and put those "professional" articles to the side.
This game is fun. It has quite a lot of polish in ways that you might not even realize until you take a careful look at everything. People seem to complain that the combat lacks weight, which is true if you're not using heavy weapons, but it isn't nearly as bad as it's made out to be. People are saying the boss fights are dull. I couldn't disagree more. I think the bosses are well designed and very lively. They all have interesting attack animations and a variety of abilities that make them extremely difficult to beat on the first try, but it's pretty forgiving since the "bonfire" is usually pretty close by.
I personally give this game an 8/10. Its flaws have been extensively covered already, so I'll leave them out of this review.