This movie was impeccable. Horror nowadays is such a difficult genre to get just right. It always feels like there’s either something missing, it’s been done before 1000 times or the scare factor comes off almost funny . But this film; wow , so jarring…and for a director to have it be his debut film is impressive. This movie at times leaves you feeling so uncomfortable that you almost feel like it’s wrong to be witnessing the spiral into paranoid delusion that roses character undergoes . It’s perfectly paced and you really feel for her . I have a particularly tolerant stomach for movies like these but man that birthday party scene did something to me . What a phenomenal actress Bacon is . They really couldn’t have cast a better lead . The only thing that makes me feel Ike it’s a 4.5 in stead of 5/5 is that it literally lays the plot work down for another film that paramount will almost assuredly jump on making seeing it as a cash grab but I feel like a sequel would as most horror sequels do , ruin the integrity of this gem of a film. If you are looking for a movie that will stick in your head days after watching it , go watch this one