Some episodes are much better than others — suspenseful and entertaining, while others drag on and are boring. They’re into it that’s for sure, they really pour on the violence ad nauseum. Both sides dish it out like apple pie and strudel with plenty left over.
Confused by the feigned incomprehension and surprise over the reich’s extermination policies. Such overdramatic tears cries whispers and disbelief. They don’t fool me however. A Swiss doctor I knew told me they all knew in the 1930’s about the camps, and she was just a medical student at the time, so how is it that a young Jewish student and her friends knew, and governments with all their money and resources didn’t? Actually, impossible as she implied — it was common knowledge in Switzerland, so foreign embassies with all their spies had to have been aware of the same thing. No lying your way out of this one….