Spider-Mid: A Cinematic Disaster
Spider-Mid, commonly known as Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse, is a cinematic catastrophe that has somehow managed to amass a cult following. This nonsensical film is an insult to the legacy of Spider-Man and a blight on the superhero genre as a whole.
Let's start with the protagonist, Miles Morales. This whiny, uninspired character is the antithesis of what Spider-Man should be. He's constantly complaining about how he's not good enough, how he doesn't deserve to be Spider-Man, and how he's living in the shadow of his more famous predecessor, Peter Parker. Instead of being an inspiration to young viewers, Miles Morales is a whiny, self-pitying mess.
The animation in Spider-Mid is equally horrendous. The film's choppy, jerky framerate is like watching a slideshow on acid. The characters are constantly contorting into unnatural shapes, and the backgrounds are bland and uninspired. This film is an eyesore from start to finish.
But the true crime of Spider-Mid is its plot. The film is a nonsensical jumble of clichés and plot holes. The story is so convoluted that it's impossible to follow. The film's message is also incredibly muddled. It's not clear what the filmmakers are trying to say with this film, and the whole thing ends up feeling like a pointless waste of time.
I urge you to avoid Spider-Mid at all costs. This film is a cinematic disaster that will leave you feeling frustrated, confused, and disappointed.