1899 was a huge disappointment for my wife and I. We like shows like what 1899 was sold at, but wasn't nearly close to what it actually was.
Starts off with a Titanic flare, with thrown in supernatural details followed by some character background. Things appeared to start to progress... OK fine... Then it crashes, nose first, 4 episodes in with question after question unanswered., We held out for all 8 looking for the answers that sadly NEVER came...
Throw in some Truman Show too as the real enclosure is camouflaged with glass, fake walls, peel away sets, etc that all reveal a new maze or the riveted panels of the ship behind them. BTW: cameras are everywhere so they can be watch.
May have <<<SPOILERS>>>, If you saw the show, read on...
1-The Green Beetle, looked like it was part of the supernatural process with intelligence, only to have no reason to be there other than a metaphor used in episode 8 about imprisonment.
2-What was the purpose of having the passengers jump overboard?
3-Why is it called 1899 when the ships computer at the end reads 2099?
4-Nice that Maura is awake and free to move about the pods, but I see it as she's really imprisoned now being in space.
5-WHY have LGTBQ narrative in the show? EVERY show for that matter...
I can't go anymore, my brain hurts...
Avoid this...