I might be going overboard with all this typing, but I truly enjoyed this a lot.
To start off, absolutely freaking loved it! (Keep in mind everyone has different opinions and there is no need to judge.) In all honesty, I tried watching the first 2 episodes during a period of time when I wasn't quite satisfied with any anime plots or story-lines, therefore I dropped it... but as I heard more about how great it is, I gave it another try and do not regret it. It is perhaps easily my top 5 favorite anime (considering I have only watch around 50). Most anime has similar art style, but Mob contained a unique art style which my eyes did not find boring. (Animation was impeccable and incredible and I loved it so much!) Did not think it would be so comedic but I loved all the funny moments. Some tend to try too hard with unbelievable things in order to make their audience laugh, but Mob Psycho displayed only small little words/faces/actions in their unique style that would make me chuckled constantly. I don't quite get the whole thing about Mob not using his powers even though he has them, but another part of me understands that throughout the whole show, his teacher did not want him to feel superior or above others to the point that he relies on them all the time. He wanted Mob to become his own person aside from his powers. (Surprisingly very heartwarming), and I loved all the characters. (I was so pumped when Ristu got his powers too! Would've felt bad if he continued to feel low compared to his brother despite his intelligence.) I also grew to like Dimple and enjoyed his screen time as much as any other main character. The only thing that I didn't appreciate much was the fact that Mob ended 2 entire seasons and Mob never confessed his love for Tsubomi. I expected him to do it in the final episode, but nothing. (I know she kindly rejected his confessions in the manga but after all the work he put in with his club, I would've liked to see it before Season 2 ended.) Same goes for his family, because after having their house burned down and not seeing them for a while, it didn't show them reuniting or getting back together as a family. *All opinions*... but I also feel like the times when Mob's percentage is "???" obviously shows that he is stronger than 100 and I would've liked that his more difficult moments (especially his battle with Sho's father) be fought when he was at "???" instead of "100". Though, since the few times he did reach "???" were filled with more heartbreaking emotions of his personal life that were deeply affected, I would understand how he would reach "???" when he believed his own loving and caring family who he cared so much for was dead compared to finding out a single man wants to take over the world. (Basically, what I am saying is that-- most likely, his "???" rages only happen when they are deeply personal or aimed at his loved ones in order to emotionally affect his life... and it makes complete sense when you think about it.) It was so refreshing to see a character that could easily clap their entire verse for once. there were many difficult times for Mob that even had me thinking he might lose. A new feeling you don't get all the time when watching powerful MC characters in supernatural anime. Overall, loved it and it had a great amount of action-y fight scenes and rages, as well as funny comedic moments. Similar to Saiki K, so if you enjoyed that, you will definitely enjoy this if you only give it a reasonable chance, so go and watch it. Overall, I cannot wait for Season 3 in October! LET'S GO!