An antisocial orphan girl in her early teens, paralleling no female in history in any way, has little problem masterfully negotiating a powerful tranquilizer addicted, multi-drug filled, drink filled, prodigious existence as she fits in completely with everyone she engages while winning every chess game ever encountered (... again, in her early teens...) and judges everyone around her. Any of the extremely few hurdles she does encounter are immediately and vehemently crushed with little effort.
It's lazy power porn with God Mode turned on. The show glorifies a lack of any true concern about anyone around you.
Incidentally, there are also several irritatingly long, pausing shots of Anya Taylor Joy's face and body as she dances and flirts with the camera.
It was less than interesting. But I like chess. So it drew my initial focus. I wish chess was talked about. The beauty of the game was ignored completely.
It's definitely a series for the current era. Before I saw the reviews, I predicted it would score well. If you feel that you fit in with this era and its values well, you will, likely, love this series.
If you want a much better series about a young girl's resilient interaction with the world around her, I suggest trying 'Anne With An E',