revolves around Phileas Fogg, Passpartout his servants and a beautiful woman Auoda and the clever detective-detective fix. The story begins with enormous bet between fogg and his friend Saurat that whether or not it is physically possible to travel the world within 80 days to prove this stance, he set out with his servant passpartout to journey around the world. This book takes place in year 1872 so their motive of transportation is very interesting.
I really enjoyed this adventurous book as it went the extra mile to make it realistic. The characters in the book were very well written. This book is only about 65 pages and you can enjoy this story while traveling.
Phileas fogg is a daily routine follower and is a calm and cool, Passpartout is a very interesting kind of person who is always ready to help others but, is not a good secret keeper. Detective Fix a brilliant spy who understand the situation very well and is a big problem creator in the life of fogg. Aouda is a very pretty Indian woman who accompanied by Phileas
In my opinion, this may not be a life-changing book, but it sure will be an eye-opening one. Many people look at the journey as a tiresome activity; something to sleep through; just an extra part of the real activity. But, this book gives us the aesthetics of the journey. In real life, we are like Phileas Fogg, counting numbers till we reach the destination. But, this book shows us through the eyes of Passepartout, the servant, how to utilize the small amount of time.
I would very much recommend this book. This book has great characters to fall in love with, and an adventure filled with tremendous suspense that will keep you on the edge.
Thank you for your feedback!
Sourab Roy
2 years ago
Around the world in eighty days is a fantastic adventure novel by french novelist Jules Verne. It follows the story of Phileas