FYI: I Played beta, played pre-release, played pre-season 1, and played season 1.
Game is good for about 4 days of play. not much after that. The quests are weak, and repetative.
End game is severely lacking. It's grind non-stop for pieces of eight (gold coins). These don't do a whole lot for you either. They help get some schematics, and materials, for potentially better weapons. But in the end it just drags out the already lacking game.
Everytime I get on this game I hope for something more. But it just doesn't have it.
The economy is lacking.
Co-op missions often end up having everyone clog the cue (legendary hiest), and then no one actually helps to complete the quest. If you are the one person out of 3 people that did the leg work, then you are left debating if you should intentionally botch it just so the two other people don't get it. After all, they did nothing.
The deathmark annoyance was "solved". But now you end up with 2 level 11 ships coming after you. I get that it is there to "discourage" piracy (ironically)... but all it does is lead us to not play the game while the debuff is on.
Not worth the money.
I do not recommend buying it.
Edit: 2024 April 15th.
It is still not worth you while. Nothing has beed added that can justify buying this game if you want a game to "keep" playing. If you want a game only to see the limited storyline, then still skip it. Just watch the videos on youtube.